Monday, December 8, 2014

Training report: Seoul International Marathon and training week 3

The highlight of training week 3 is the start of the tempo run and the long run. If you compared to the usual training program, Hanson method used slightly difference terms in this two key workout. In short, tempo run will be practicing targeted marathon pace, and long run is working on anaerobic threshold.
I was doing fine in week 3. The speed repeats completed without too much of issue with all 8x done faster than 4.5min/km pace. Anyway, I wasn’t able to complete the planned tempo run and long run. I only managed to hold up that pace for part of the planned distances. The pace was selected at 5min/km and 5.4min/km respectively. Not a very fast pace but it will still hurt if doing it for long enough. I am not very worry about this cause it is normal when you aimed to take down a pace that obviously beyond your existing capacity. The body just need time and practice to getting used to the pace and intensity. Like how it handles in the previous program. If it’s ok to take the pace, it will slowly ease into it. If it’s not ok to take the pace, it will show some sign to tell me to stop the abuse. I just need to listen closely to my body now.
Easy 9.7km

Speed 8x 600m
Speed 8x 600m
All repeats faster than 4.5min/km

Tempo 9.7km
Only 5km in tempo pace
Easy 11.3km

Easy 9.7km

Long 16.1km
Only 9km in long run pace
Total Done
Right ankle & PF issue
The right ankle seems to have some pain from the tempo run last week. I suspect that is a PF issue. The intensity of the training is taken its toll on the body. Calves felt tights most of the time and I had a hard time to loosen them in my every night stretching. Anyway the training intensity in the coming weeks will be reduced as I will be traveling from this Thursday onwards. I plan to continue with the 6 days training but change all into 10km easy run. Hopefully I can still maintain the momentum during my trip.

Today the long waited Seoul International Marathon registration has started. The fees increased to USD50 but still one of the most affordable IAAF GOLD label marathon. Flat course with 10-15degC weather are the big plus if you are chasing your PB. Furthermore, you will finish the marathon like a champion after the final lap inside the Jamsil Olympic Stadium (for 1988 Olympic Game). Click the picture below to the official website.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Training report: Intro to Hanson Marathon Method, and training week 1-2

I am working my marathon timing by following Hanson Marathon Method. It’s an 18 weeks program that grouped you into beginner or advanced marathoners, to follow a slightly difference schedule in order to train and achieve your goal in a full marathon race. I had explained many time my impression on the effectiveness of this training program, hence I will not repeating them. I will be documenting my perception and some tips from user point of view. I will suggest you get a copy of the book for reference.

In short, I will only recommend you to follow this program if you completed at least one marathon or several half marathons before. Even the beginner program is not really suitable for newbie (I am referring to those whom not developed the routine running habit, 3-4 days a week). It’s assumed the users have certain level of running skill and knew his/her limit relatively well. The typical weekly mileages for beginner program is ~30km per week for the first 5 weeks, after that, it kick up to 50-70km per week, and peak at 80km. Advanced program on the other hand, skipped the 5 weeks of warming up, started straight with 50-70km per week and peak at 90-100km per week. Not many amateur runners can take that in without an injury. Just for comparison, my usual training weekly mileage before I started this program was only 30-50km.

The past 12 months I was using the program and I am going to do the advanced program again for the coming Seoul International Marathon (SIM). Target now marked to 330 and hopefully I can survive. Basically 1st week was just a warming up to tune your body to get into the 6 days a week training program, and I was just focus on recovering from the APBIM. I will just skip the week 1. Also, as the SIM is only 17 weeks away, the week-17th in the standard program will be skipped too.

Easy 9.7km

Speed 12x 400m
Speed 12x 400m
2x laps slower than 4.5min/km

Easy 9.7km

Easy 9.7km
Rest for importance meeting
Easy 9.7km
Family activity
Easy 12.9km
Family activity
Total Done
Right foot PF still persisted

Week 2 was completed without much issue except the Friday management meeting and the family activity caught up. The speed intervals were done in the MPSJ running track. I was a bit worried with the pace of 4:20-4:30min/km in these speed intervals, but surprised me that the 400m still manageable. Some of these run affected by the mild level of flu, but now the flu is getting over. The right foot PF still persisted plus the outer ankle giving some problem (hard to tell if only the PF or the ankle is also aching). I will continue with my daily stretching of the calves, and strengthening of the foot. Almost every evening raining now, hence the morning weather was fantastic.

Week 3 will mark the first Tempo run of 9.7km at 4:59min/km pace. I did that in my recent 10km PB, but I am not sure if I am still capable to repeat that now on a weekly basis for all the tempo run scheduled. Nonetheless, the program will be more interesting when all these SOS sessions kicked in.

Enjoy your training.